Queer Nature
Céline Baumanns Queer Nature-project explores the little-known, often-overlooked, and rare intimate behavior of the botanical world.
Text: Céline Baumann – 10.8.2020
Photo: Vesna Jovanović © Studio Céline Baumann
A Post-Anthropocene View on Plants and People
Inscribed in “a field that doesn’t quite exist”, Céline Baumanns Queer Nature-project investigates the relationships between ecological thought and queer theory. By highlighting the diversity of the vegetable kingdom, it celebrates the diversity of shapes, gender, sexes, and colors around us, challenging the belief that matter and intelligence are dissociated. Read Céline Baumann's fulminant essay in architheses current Queer-issue.
> Nature constantly inspires architecture. archithese has dedicated a volume to this topic.
> What is possible if we understand technology and nature as one?