Zeitlose Architektur für den Wohnbau?
Sergison Bates architects bauen in Zürich Seebach
Text: Sergison Bates architects & Elias Baumgarten – 24.11.2015
Foto: Sergison Bates architects
Heute geht die nächste archithese «Innovation, Tradition, Adaption» in den Druck und während der Arbeit daran haben wir die Übersetzung klassizistischer Formen in neue Entwürfe beobachtet. Und wir haben deshalb bereits gefragt, ob die Konservativen zu einer neuen Avantgarde avancieren. Dass Sergison Bates architects aus London – in der Schweiz bereits vorher erfolgreich – nun den geladenen Wettbwerb für eine Mehrgenerationenwohnanlage mit 31 Appartements in Seebach / ZH gewonnen haben passt an dieser Stelle gut ins Bild: Das Büro mit Ableger in Zürich verarbeiten altes Formenarsenal zu neuen Projekten. Grund genug für archithese von den Architekten selbst erfragt, was den Entwurf besonders macht, innovativ, was ihn von anderen unterscheidet und in welchem Kontext er operiert.
archithese: «What is the context of your project and furthermore, what sets it apart from others, what is innovative about it?»
Sergison Bates architects: «The project explores the unique condition of this place and the needs of the two clients. As is the case in all of our work that deals with housing in cities, we do not set out to achieve specialness as a goal, but rather work with existing and known things, for example the work of other architects or always drawing upon our own experience in this field. In this project we were particularly interested in the interrelationship of the two buildings. We explored their proximity and how it could be use to engender neighbourliness through the manipulation of the shared space between the buildings. Another aspect of this project is the way apartment plans anticipate long-term occupation by residents and are designed to adapt to the changing needs of the users. The project brief also resists the need to introduce underground car parking to promote the use of the very well developed public transport infrastructure – an ambition we fully support.»